Excellence Delivered



The ExD HRMS simplifies your HR processes and improves your employee experience. Save on time and cost, while achieving heightened efficiency through our specialized modules for payroll, attendance, leave, bank integration, and performance management. Automate every aspect of your HR operations with ease using ExD HRMS comprehensive range of tools, designed keeping in view the needs of small and large businesses alike.

ExD Collaboration Suite

ExD Collaboration Suite

ExD Collaboration Suite is a custom designed platform which brings together a network of systems to offer greater connectivity and efficiency of operations for businesses and teams. ExD Collaboration Suite integrates a network of functions which includes: • Emails • Calendar • Document Sharing • Task Management • File Sharing Drive • Collaborative Group Chats • Video Conferencing This platform is a one-stop solution to your business connectivity and collaborative needs and is well-suited to the operational needs of both SMEs and large businesses.

IoT - Sensor Integration

ExD’s expertise in the area of IoT can help your business with gaining automotive capabilities while ensuring the aspect of safety in operational and manufacturing processes. ExD offers a vast range of sensor integration technologies which help in monitoring, regulating and controlling a variety of operational and manufacturing processes for different industry types.

IoT Sensor Integration
Milk Supply Chain System

Milk Supply Chain Management System

ExD custom milk supply chain management system tracks, measures, and analyzes the product journey all the way from the farm to the factory. This platform delivers great value for milk producers with its single-window features and functionaries which offer real-time information and insights that are critical to operational efficiency and management of the supply chain.

Student Financials

ExD’s student financial platforms enable educational institutions to integrate and offer seamless integration of payment processes to the students. ExD’s student financial systems offer a comprehensive range of features covering student records, fee collection, bank reconciliation, and fee form generation all integrated within the SAP framework to offer the best user experience.

ExD -Student Financials

ExDCare - An Advanced Healthcare Program

ExDCare solution is the only remote patient monitoring and management system to provide real-time diagnostic technology that helps provide cutting-edge healthcare to the patients. Key Features of ExDCare include: Advanced Health Monitoring & Management, Greater Outcomes & Better Quality of Life, Virtual Care & Remote 24/7/365 Monitoring, Patient-Nurse Engagement Time Tracking, Telehealth (Virtual Visit), Personal Care Coordinator, Remote Patient Monitoring, and Chronic Care Management.

Your Digital Transformation Journey Begins Here